October 1, 2012

Weekend Update - Anniversary

So this past Saturday was Trevy and I's third anniversary. It seems like no time at all has passed since we first met, but also it seems like we've been a part of each other forever. I'm not gonna lie, it hasn't all been sunshine and roses, in fact Trev and I have worked through some things that most young couple's don't have to, but that's part of what has made our relationship so deep and meaningful and beautiful. 

That's Trev on our first date(he looks so young with no beard!). Being photographers, we don't have many pics of us together, but we have pictures of pretty much everything we've ever done together, including our first date.

Trevy sent me his definition of love on friday while I was at work, because I like definitions so much:

"Love is perfect, the only perfect thing in this human world. Love is the only Godly emotion and action that humans are able to express, yet only a fraction of it's full potential. Love is infinite, never in competition with itself, or the love of anyone else. Love is absolutely selfless, yet completely self fulfilling. Love existed before the universe and will exist after the universe. Love is timeless, bound by no dimension. Love is us."

Can you believe he wrote that? He's so talented..and when I got home from work I found this:

He's the most amazing man in the universe. I love him immensely. We decided to take a mini road trip for our anniversary weekend, first we had heart shaped pumpkin waffles for breakfast(He's a good cook)

Then we hit the road, headed toward Richmond(about a two hour drive, depending on traffic)

Virginia IS for lovers.

Our first stop was the leather factory

We hand picked some large remnants to use with our leather pieces. I love that SoulMakes is a creative bond between Trev and I :)

We met up with my oldest friend Emily
She took us to the coolest little sandwich shop. I love Sandwiches. I had something called the Muna Module; eggs, avocado, bacon, greens, cheese, tomato. It was so yummy. she also showed us a few really cool thrift stores. And her apartment, which was really neat, I especially loved her top floor balcony.

We always really enjoy the architecture in Richmond, so many old buildings. Trev and I were both shooting film, so hopefully I'll have some really awesome shots to show you once we develop our rolls.

Thanks Trevy for a wonderful weekend together and for the most amazing, mind blowing three years of my life! I never knew such a partnership could exist. I'm so grateful to be on this journey with you!

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!!



  1. Oh happy anniversary! It looks like you had a beautiful weekend! The leather factory looks dreamy!

    xo bhrett

  2. I love you two's love. Happy anniversary and cheers to many, many more!
