July 25, 2012


I am thrilled to say that we have finally reached vacation day, I wasn't sure if I would make it. Things at my "real job" have been pretty stressful. I've been there 3 years and this is definitely the craziest summer we've ever had. I work in the service industry, which as we all know can be challenging at times. It doesn't help that the company I work for is even less technologically sound than myself. Our record keeping system and methods of communication are archaic. In short, it often times feels like we are lost. We are also the smallest company in the world, a little known fact to our customers, making me the sole provider of customer service. Everything that happens there goes through me. Customers have been very demanding this year, and not always very nice. It's great that we're busy, but could the human race please take a pause to remember their manners and realize that I am also a human, not some kind of customer service machine. Well ok, let me pause for you then..

In just a few short hours we'll be driving to the beach..

There is nothing like watching the sunrise over the ocean to give me a little humility. God is big. Even though my job has been tough lately, I have a lot of gratitude. I try to remember that while I'm working, while some customer is yelling in my ear. I try to remember that I am completely taken care of and the fact that I have a job to complain about is kind of a quality problem. Anyway, this vacation will be a great refresher. It's amazing what a a little pause can do.

We'll be back in a few days and I'm sure I'll be filled with all kinds of new design ideas! Have a great week everyone!!



  1. have an AMAZING vacation!!

    and what an amazing reminder. i also get down on my job sometimes but we are completely blessed to even be employed!

  2. do enjoy your trip. i can't wait to see your new inspirations!
    xo bhrett
