May 3, 2013

Nowhere To Go


"There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars."
-Jack Kerouac

There's so much life to be lived, places to go, so many adventures yet unseen, and wild hearts to meet. There's a great deal to learn along the journey, abundant room for growth and no better time than now. An important chapter of my life is closing, leaving me open to focus on my true ambition and bring full intention to my venture. A million possibilities lay before me. This is such a huge blessing, a dream-come-true kind of blessing. I put one foot in front of the other and let a Greater Force carry me from one cosmic circumstance to the next, confronting my fears along the way. I can't always see it working in my life, but I trust in the process and know that I am being taken care of. It's a wonderful thing that I get to choose how I think and feel today and I choose faith. What can I say? I'm overflowing with gratitude for all these amazing opportunities. 

The Cosmic Lover Collection goes well with my mood, these little gems are quite powerful! Be sure to check them out in the shop, perhaps they will bring you a nice dose of inspiration too!


Hope you all have a beautiful weekend!
MacK Mars

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1 comment:

  1. This is such a wonderful post, and I swear, everything you post is so in tune with my own beliefs. ^_^ Have a wonderful journey, friend!
