May 30, 2013

The Lake



Trev and I went to this gorgeous park for my uncle's birthday party. It had hiking trails, big pavillons for gatherings, a nature center, and a beautiful lake complete with paddle boats. It was great to spend time with my family and snap a few pictures.

I'm falling in love with photography all over again. I put my camera down for a while and concentrated on other art forms, but SoulMakes has brought me back to it. Most the pictures you see here on the blog (aside from the ones of me) were taken by me. Photography is not like riding a bike, I forgot a lot of basic camera knowledge and of course, with the rate at which technology improves things have changed. But it's given me the opportunity to learn so many new and wonderful things about the art of taking pictures. It's not hard for me to find wonder in almost every situation, every place, no matter how mundane it may seem. From an early age I was taught to look for the beauty in everything, especially in the things I felt lacked it and I'm so grateful for that vision. When I look around at the world I see art and my camera helps me capture it. 

Hope you're all having an amazing week!
MacK Mars

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  1. These pictures are perfect! The lake and surrounding trails must have been a delight to explore and photograph.

  2. This looks amazing! I love being outdoors. x

    p.s. I'm hosting an OASAP giveaway on my blog!

  3. Your photography is lovely, MacK! You certainly know how to capture the beauty of your surroundings. xxx

    ~ Athena

  4. <3 I wish Jen and I were there!!! Also, you are gorgeous, friend. :D
