grat·i·tude [grat-i-tood, -tyood]
The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
It's that time of year, while I try to remain grateful for each and day of every year, now is as good a time as any to share a little gratitude list with you all (in no particular order).
I'm grateful for...
1. A loving Higher Power who does for me what I can not do for myself and the beautiful work of art that is His world.
2. I got to quit my day job this past June, because SoulMakes took flight!
This is something I haven't really talked much about on our blog yet, but when SoulMakes was first started I had, not one, but TWO other jobs (that's three jobs total). I worked a 9-5 as an office manager for a heating and air conditioning company, I worked part time at Free People and I was putting in at least 40 hours a week to SoulMakes. The quick growth that we saw with SoulMakes allowed me to quit my day job and work from home full time, fulfilling orders, creating new designs, I've taken over the majority of our photography, and of course, there's the 'boring' stuff too.. research, marketing, data input, etc..I'm beyond blessed to have been given this opportunity!
3. This past summer I got to visit the Southwest states for the first time, on the most amazing road trip of a lifetime with my favorite person ever and the other half of SoulMakes, Trevor!
4. My best friend asked me to marry him!
Yep, this guy, drove me all the way across the country, hiked with me down into the Grand Canyon and proposed! How romantic is that?! Our wedding is just 6 short months away!
5. My family
This is my big brother, he's kind of a big deal. The older we get, the more fond I grow of him. Of course, I also have wonderful parents who I love dearly!
6. My friends
I don't have a picture of all of my friends, but here's a picture some pretty flowers. My friends are really the same thing as family. I am so grateful to have some very close friends in my life, people who help guide me spiritually and are there for me no matter what. No matter what.
7. My Health
8. SoulMakes
I guess I kind of already said this, but I am truly grateful for all that this year has given us. SoulMakes is like our little baby that we've fanned and nursed and now it's seemingly all grown up. This year we have grown so much, nationally and internationally. SoulMakes is now carried in many boutiques across the Midwest and western, United States, as well as some really lovely shops in Australia! We were featured in Glamour UK, we just launched a new home decor line, and the StillBrave bracelet collection to benefit children with cancer and their families. We're dreaming big and we've got so many exciting new things yet to come!
The definition of gratitude above is my favorite definition for this word! Gratitude is not just a feeling, it's an action, it's an attitude. It means choosing to find the positive in every situation. Having a grateful heart gives me a certain amount of surrender, it allows me to accept things as they are and realize that I am always in the right place at the right time. Most of all, gratitude affords me the opportunity to help others, which only helps to further my spiritual growth.
We'd like to say thanks to all of you for all the love and support you show us on a daily basis! We could not be more grateful to have such wonderful friends and fans!
Happy early Thanksgiving
oh and..Chanukah Sameach! Let the festival of lights begin!
MacK Mars