December 31, 2014

New Years Resolutions

This year I'm keeping my New Year's resolutions simple...


Relaxing is not something I'm very good at. I find it hard to know when I should stop working. And even when I finally decide to "clock out" for the day, I usually find myself doing some sort of "psuedo-work" with the excuse that I'm only doing "the fun kind of work." I'm thinking maybe I need to take more baths this year. The whole sitting still thing is great, but I think in order to really enjoy that, I'm going to need to worry less overall. I need to recommit myself to surrender. I'm not in charge anyways. God's got me, I just need to get out my way & surrender myself to life as it's happening.


This one's not so hard. I'm a pretty big dreamer. But I have to admit as SoulMakes continues to grow I sometimes find myself trapped in fear, riddled with questions that all seem to begin with "how" and this often prevents me from seeing the bigger picture. The fact is, my dreams have come true! Here I am with a successful business and a beautiful life, but it doesn't end there! I have to keep dreaming bigger dreams! You know what they say, if your dreams don't scare you...they aren't big enough!


I think Marianne Williamson sums this one up best.. 
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

And my favorite stones to take me into the New Years are Citrine, Labradorite & Pyrite..

Labradorite is the perfect stone to ring in the new year, it a stone of transformation and a helpful companion through change. Pyrite is an energizing gem, which will help to keep you going through whatever resolutions you may have and Citrine is the stone of success, to ensure a wonderful year!

Check out our House & Home section if you want to get your hands on some of these beautiful and healing crystals. I highly recommend the Serenity Crystal Collection for good vibes in the New Year! You can also check out bedding and room decor here!

Thank you all so much for your love and support and for making 2014 the best year yet for SoulMakes! We are so grateful and we can't wait to show you what excitement we have in store for 2015!

What are your New Years Resolutions?!

Happy New Year!
MacK Mars + the SoulMakes team

December 29, 2014

Mountain Mama

I'm wearing:
SoulMakes Diamond Ring, Mountain Mama Necklace, Revival Choker, Bracelets
Bandit Brand Mountain Mama graphic tee
Free People shaggy cardigan
Vintage belt & buckle

I never tire of the Colorado sunset! Somehow the clouds out here pillow so majestically and seem to be magically suspended in the sky, as if they were hung there just especially for your viewing pleasure. Each night as the sun falls the sky lights up in a pastel array of blues and pinks and oranges. We are lucky enough to have lots of family in the area, we always stay with my amazing in-laws. There's a field a few seconds walk away, with some really breathtaking views and wiry trees. We always wander out and snap a few pictures. I am not ready to go back home! I can't wait to live in Colorado forever!

MacK Mars

December 26, 2014

Garden of the Gods

I'm wearing:
SoulMakes Diamond Ring, Bracelets, Mountain Mama Necklace & Revival Choker
Spell Eagle & Wolf Rings
Sister of the Sea gorgeous, giant turquoise ring
Bandit Brand graphic tank
Free People plaid button up, shaggy cardigan & bells
Vintage squash blossom, pinky rings & belt (from personal collection)

Trevor and I ventured out to Garden of the Gods and wandered around for a little while. There was a light layer of snow sprinkled around the red rock pathways & the sun was shining high in the sky. I love the way you can feel the sun beat down on you out here in the midwest. Where we're from there's not much chance of warmth or bright days in the middle of winter, there's too much humidity and tree cover. It's so refreshing to find such an radiant winter season. I wish we could stay here forever! 
Until next time..

Happy Holidays!
MacK Mars

December 21, 2014

Lake Dillon & Loveland Pass

We're out enjoying our annual vacation with family, in beautiful Denver, Colorado! We love to adventure together, so we always take lots of mini road trips while we're out here. We spent the night at Trevor's grandparent's place in Keystone and wandered around Lake Dillon for a bit. I love the way the mountains look towering over the icy lake. On our way back to Denver we went up over Loveland Pass and stopped at the Continental Divide. It was a breathtaking view! And as we rolled back into the city the sun was setting, such a beautiful site here in the rockies.

Hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season!