I sort of have a thing for looking up words. I always have. I'm a bit of a book worm, I suppose that's how it started, if I ran across a word I didn't know I'd look it up. I have a journal where I write down all the words I look up and their definitions. I think I'd like to start sharing a weekly word of the day. I also like to look up words that I do know the definition of, or that I think I know the definition of. I try to live by certain spiritual principles; honesty, faith, courage, humility, service. In short: put God first and help your fellow man. Every now and than I step off the beam, I forget what my purpose is and I forget what these principles mean.
So my best friend and I like to look up words together, maybe when we're struggling with a resentment towards another human being, or having a bad day, whatever. It's always funny to see how we thought we knew what a word meant, but upon a closer look, we didn't really. The other day we were talking about being patient with others and she asked "what's the definition of patience? My definition of it is waiting for a really long time, but maybe that's not right" So we looked it up..
Patience: The bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune or pain without complaint, loss of temper, irritation or the like.
Wow. Talk about a spiritual principle. I want to be loving and tolerant with everyone I come in contact with, of course I'm not perfect, so this definition was a great reminder. Coincidentally, I had also just been reading a new book wherein the writer was talking about patience. He talked about his kids coming into his office, loud and rambunctious and how his natural reaction would be that of annoyance. But instead of reacting to this feeling of annoyance with anger he decided that it was a great "opportunity to practice patience" and when he showed his kids patience, they too reacted differently, more calmly. And I guess that's the only way to get good at something, by practicing.
"Patience is the settled reality that we are not in control"
Sounds like freedom to me...
Happy Monday