April 24, 2013

Gemini Rising

Pony Gold

I recently shared about the amazingly talented artist behind Pony Gold. I had the pleasure of exchanging a few emails with Raych and she is truly a kind and gracious soul. I look up to her so much as an artist and I learned a lot from our chat! Raych is a big inspiration behind my drawing and she's definitely encouraged me to explore my style in new and exciting ways. I just received my first Pony Gold print, Gemini Rising, and Raych was kind enough to send a long a few extras with this lovely print and a very sweet hand written note. I couldn't be more grateful!

Pony Gold

Raych Urquhart

Raych Urquhart

This beautiful little lady has my "MACK" written across her heart!

Pony Gold

Raych's work is so unique and gorgeous, I'm very excited to have these beauties hanging in my studio area! Be sure to check out the Pony Gold shop!

Hope you're all having a beautiful week!
MacK Mars

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  1. ive been a long time fan of pony gold. im always so drawn to her images. love the prints you got! i would love to one day have her art hanging on my wall. beauties!!!

  2. She's so talented.. ♥

