April 29, 2013

Weekend Highlights

Rose Quartz

We received out latest shipment of crystals over the weekend, from our favorite rock warehouse that we scoped out on our last trip to Colorado. The Rose Quartz is particularly gorgeous, such a deep, vibrant rose color! We also got some Amethyst clusters and points, Citrine Points, and Quartz points etc. So much beauty! My favorite part about receiving these gems is what's in the bottom of the bags, a million tiny little pieces of rock. I took all the various sizes and arranged this Amethyst and Rose Quartz spiral. I definitely want to make this a more permanent fixture somehow!

Rose Quartz

Amethyst Cluster

Amethyst and Rose Quartz are two of my favorite stones, because of their healing properties. Amethyst  was given it's name by the Ancient Greek people, the name comes from the word meaning "without drunkenness." They believed the wearer of this gorgeous gem would be protected against intoxication. Today it's considered to be a soothing stone, preventing stress and promoting spiritual wisdom. Rose Quartz is the stone of love, naturally! It restores trust and harmony in relationships and encourages unconditional love. Rose Quartz also helps to open the heart to promote friendship, deep inner healing and peace.

We'll be adding some of these new beauties to our latest Crystal Oracle Collection very soon!


Hope you all had a fun weekend!
MacK Mars

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  1. i remember seeing photos of you at that warehouse. i cant even imagine being in a place like that. i might explode!

    1. It was definitely one of the coolest places we've ever been, I had an ear to ear grin the whole time! We're blessed to have family in Colorado that we get to visit each year and go on such great adventures!

  2. They're beautiful! I don't suppose you have a link to this warehouse?



  3. That crystal spiral is sooo beautiful!!!! And the Oracle collection is looking stunning babe xxxxx
