May 15, 2013

Sea Shells

I have always felt a strong calling to the ocean and lately I've been so drawn to sea shells. The vast, open space filled with sand and sea always humbles me immediately. The beauty is an undeniable reminder of Greater Force at work, and the best artist I've ever known..

(picture by me, Ocean City 2008 during a gorgeous storm)

We went to the beach only a few times when I was very young. The first time I really remember going was in my teenage years with my cousins. They had this lovely beach house in North Carolina and even though that wasn't too far from home I felt like I was in another world. I remember being somewhat scared to jump into the ocean at first, but I warmed up pretty quickly and we visited the beach house often. The combination of beautiful surroundings and good company left me with such fond memories, I felt uniquely at home for the first time in my life. You might imagine how I marveled at all the seashells at 15 years old, seeing the beach for the first time. I was instantly mesmerized by the intricate designs, textures and colors made my Mother Earth. I quickly developed a habit of collecting shells and each batch I collected stores their own precious memories. I've since been to many different beaches and I've noticed that each one has very different shells with different textures and colors etc. Feeling so inspired by their unique beauty, I put together a little photo catalog of some of my favorites..

Shells from Salvo, North Carolina. Collected in 2006


Ocean City, Maryland. Collected in 2008

Ocean City

San Diego 2008. Collected by mom, I especially love the deep texture of these beauties!

Here's one of the first necklace I ever made, long before SoulMakes was born..


And of course, all this inspiration led to a few new creations..


We'll be adding some lovely one of a kind shell creations to the shop very soon!
What's inspiring you toady?!

MacK Mars

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  1. beautiful. i have such a connection with seashells and the ocean too. they remind me so much of my mom. i have a huge collection that she collected throughout her whole life and I cherish it. and seashells keep coming into my life lately in bunches, without ever stepping foot near an ocean. i think its a sign i need to get back there. i love to just sit in solitude or in silence at least and gaze out at her. mmmmmm... yes, i need it.

  2. Absolutely lovely, friend! I want to visit a beach soooo badly! I've never really been.

  3. The sea is in my blood; I've been a water baby from as long as I can remember. Am loving this sea-inspired creations, so much.


  4. So gorgeous. The sea is a part of me, and I feel so thankful for growing up and living so close to it.
