May 6, 2013

Weekend Highlights


Over the weekend I shipped out lots of orders and made some new items! I'm so drawn to Turquoise lately and it's no wonder, considering one of it's many properties is the ability to instill inner calmness. I've got lots of big changes going on, good changes, but changes nonetheless, this lovely gem is a good companion for me! We'll have some new items hitting the shop this week!

And I'm super excited about what Trev is working on!! Besides giving me tons of encouragement and being my biggest inspiration, Trevor is the photographer and web developer here at SoulMakes, while I generally do all the designing and making. It's so cool to see how our rolls in SoulMakes develop over time, I've certainly gotten much more involved in the tech stuff and for a while now Trev has been a great sounding board for my design ideas. Sometimes he gives me game-changing suggestions on simple elements, such as which chain to use or what charm to attach etc. Recently we've started to experiment with lost wax, a process in which metal is cast in the shape of a carving done in wax. It's a very popular technique used to make rings, bracelets, charms and sculptures. Trev has really taken to it and I could not be more excited to have him involved in the creative process! It's so wonderful to see his artistic side come alive in a new medium! We really bring out the best in each other, it's so amazing getting to work with the love of my life!

Trevor Mars

Trevor Mars

Lost Wax

This is his first carving! I'm super impressed! He loves that Dremel.. We can't wait to bring the finished results to the shop after we get a bit more practice in :)

Hope you all had a beautiful weekend!
MacK Mars

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  1. very excited! i have always dreamed of doing this. so glad you guys are getting to! and yay for trev getting involved like that. so bad ass!!

  2. That's so lovely! You're incredibly lucky to have such a supportive and talented partner! The final result is gorgeous! Much love xx
