When Trevor and I had our first conversation he asked me what the one thing I really wanted out of life was. For some peculiar reason or perhaps inspired, I answered honestly, I told him I wanted love. We were in a room full of people at a small party and he told me he wanted the same thing. We talked for five hours, asking each other questions back and forth, in our own little world. I remember occasionally I'd hear someone saying "they've been talking for hours..." or "..they're still sitting there talking"and it was as if everybody knew, it was like the whole universe had conspired to make this one magic moment happen. Trevor and I had sort of met before, a few times, and even though I always maintained a crush on him the timing was never right.
Looking back I can see that we came together at exactly the right time, any sooner it would've been a catastrophe. We both went through a lot before we met each other. Some time before I ever knew Trevor existed a friend of mine, who I look up to greatly, told me that I didn't have to worry about finding my Soulmate. She said that the Universe was preparing someone for me right now and all I had to do was take care of myself. When the time was right, we'd meet, and not a second before. I was just barely sane enough at that point to believe her, but I did. I hadn't really been living a very healthy life style and quite frankly I didn't think much of myself, so I had a lot of work to do. I went on the biggest self searching adventure of my life. I learned a lot and I abandoned myself to the idea that there was a Greater Force working in my life, one that would guide me and take care of me always. Then and only then was I finally able to open myself up to the world and the people in it (This, of course, did not happen over night, it was a matter of years). And then I met Trevor. It was as if the Universe was returning my complete surrender with the gift of love.
I still had a lot to work on, but Trevor and I began a healing journey together. We were both finally able to heal old wounds that had been holding us back until that moment when we found each other, where the truest love I've come to know sprouted. I don't think either of us would have been able to complete our journeys with out the help of each other. It was our togetherness that truly allowed us to convalesce. It wasn't always easy, in fact, at times it was very hard. I was surprised and relieved to learn that no matter how perfect our union, a little work was required to maintain a healthy and happy relationship. Through the work we've done together, we've been able to grow so much and form such a deep and meaningful connection with each other. I don't think I ever knew that such a partnership could exist in the world. I couldn't be happier to have found it!
When Trevor jumped on board with
SoulMakes, I was a little hesitant. It seemed a bit taboo to engage in business with my life mate, and that in itself has been a whole new journey for us. Trevor jumped in head first, while I wanted to take things slow. I was aghast at his insistence that my dreams could come true, and for a moment I considered that maybe I didn't want them to. Fear can make you think a little crazy sometimes. But finally, I got on board for this ride and it has been so magical! I love getting together with Trevor for our little business meetings to talk about what we've been working on and what our future goals are. He does such an amazing job with website management and photography. Did you guys know he taught himself code? He's pretty a much a genius. I love that we have different talents to bring to the table for our business and that we get to share them in this creative passion. I kind of think of SoulMakes as an extension of our love story; it's the visionary and tangible production of Trevor and I's enchantment! SoulMakes is a little wild, it's a little bit chic. Inspired by all things worldly, we want you to find your hidden treasure here with us. We want you to put on your favorite
SoulMakes wonder and feel the love it was created with.
This Valentine's day we'd like to share the love with a special giveaway for you!
The winner will choose between:
Makes sure you are following our blog, leave a comment below telling me which bracelet you'd love to wear! And for a second entry you can tell us one thing you love about your special valentine :)
** Must leave a separate comment for each entry **
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Leave you email address in the comments below so that I can contact the winner
Must be following our blog
Winner will be announced on February 8, 2013
Good Luck!
MacK and Trevor Mars
Special thanks to my best friend Nicole for editing!